DECCA_F3029_GB4560 - LULLABY OF THE LEAVES, Slow Fox-Trot, (Young, Petkere), ROY FOX AND HIS BAND, (At the Monseigneur Restaurant, London), (With Vocal Refrain)
DECCA_F3029_GB4561 - GONE FOR EVER - Slow Fox-Trot, (Mendoza), ROY FOX AND HIS BAND, (At the Monseigneur Restaurant, London), (With Vocal Refrain)
BRUNSWICK_1623A_GB6272 - I'VE GOT YOU ON MY MIND, Fox-Trot (Cole Porter), (From " The Gay Divorce "), AMBROSE AND HIS ORCHESTRA, (At the Embassy Club, London), (With Vocal Refrain)
BRUNSWICK_1623B_GB6276 - WHO'S AFRAID OF THE BIG BAD WOLF?, FoxTrot (Churchill, Ronell), (From Walt Disney's " The Three Little Pigs "), AMBROSE AND HIS ORCHESTRA, (At the Embassy Club, London), (With Vocal Refrain)
REGAL_MR658_CAR1447 - SHE WAS ONLY SOMEBODY'S DAUGHTER, ("Variety" Novelty) Part 1 (Poor Little Orphan Child), (K.&G. Western), BILLY COTTON and HIS BAND, (With Vocal Chorus by The WESTERN BROTHERS)
REGAL_MR658_CAR1448 - SHE WAS ONLY SOMEBODY'S DAUGHTER, ("Variety" Novelty) Part 2 (Poor Little Orphan Child), (K.&G. Western), BILLY COTTON and HIS BAND, (With Vocal Chorus by The WESTERN BROTHERS)
DECCA_F43861_MRB2516 - Am 30. Mai ist der Weltuntergang, (Marschlied) - (Erpel-Roda), Kurt-Adolf Thelen - Sunshine-Quartett, Golgowsky-Quartett - WILL GLAHÉ, und sein großes Blas-Orchester
DECCA_F43861_MRB2517 - In Einem Weindorf, (Walzerlied) - (Erpel-Schüler), Kurt-Adolf Thelen - Sunshine-Quartett, Golgowsky-Quartett - WILL GLAHÉ, und sein großes Blas-Orchester
DECCA_F43583_D6044 - Granada, Spanische Fantasia - Lara-Siegel, Vico Torriani, Béla Sanders und sein Orchester, und Andrés Cañas mit seiner Marimba-Band
DECCA_F43583_D6061 - Bella, Bella Donna, Foztrott - Winkler-Feltz, Vico Torriani, Kai Olsen mit seinem Tanzorchester